Mar 14, 2023
Chippewa Valley Council is proud to recognize our Scouters and Volunteers who have been serving the BSA program for many accumulated years as a Cub Scout, Scout, Staff, and Volunteer, at the Unit, District, or Council Level. The Veteran Pin is an adult recognition. However, tenure earned as a youth may be included in the total number of years registered. Applicants must have a current paid BSA registration.
Veteran Pins are for:
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 years of tenure.
History: All youth or adult leaders who have reached one year of tenure with the Boy Scouts of America are eligible to begin wearing Service Stars and pins. Cub, Scout, Varsity, Explorer, and Adult pins are worn above the left pocket while Veteran insignia are worn as tie-tacks.
The Service Stars and Veteran Pins are an outward symbol of how long you’ve been involved and a quick way for new Scouts, parents, and leaders to see who has Scouting experience. Scouters can come to the Scout Shop (or go to and purchase the Service Stars as they are earned, and those applying for Veteran Pins should fill out this form and turn in to the Council.
Fill out application below and submit to the Council Service Center.