Oct 11, 2021
Scoutbook Den Leader Experience
The Scoutbook Den Leader Experience is a tool to help keep your den organized, your families engaged, and you prepared to lead exciting meetings.
Planning your Den Meetings: You can use the Den Leader Experience to plan out your pack's entire year. You can simply drag and drop meeting topics to the date that works best for your pack.
Resources: The Den Leader Experience provides you with notes, and a list of resources and materials needed to conduct your meeting.
Tracking Advancement: Scoutbook makes tracking advancement a breeze. Simply take attendance, and record which requirements were covered during your meeting. Scoutbook will automatically apply those requirements to each scout that was in attendance. You can then forward on any requirements that were missed to any Scouts that were absent with the push of a button.
Family Engagment: Scoutbook allows Den Leaders to share calendars, announcements, and progress reports directly with families. Families can use the Scoutbook platform to share input, ideas, and insight with the Den Leader or other families.
Getting Connected: Your Pack's Scoutbook Administrator can assign two users to each Den. One as the Den Leader and the other as a Den Administrator.
Webinar: Stay tuned for an upcoming webinar where a local Den Leader will share their Scoutbook Den Leader Experience and open the floor for questions.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can reach out to your District Executive by looking up information here: https://bsa-cvc.org/districts