White Page Tear
Wilderness First Aid Training
May 19

Camp Phillips

Wilderness First Aid

May. 19-21, 2023

Friday 6pm until Noon Sunday




This class INCLUDES CPR!

BSA requires adults with Wilderness First Aid training on all treks.

All participants must be 14 or older (Note: youth do not count as one of the “trained adults” required on adventure treks).

The course is being taught by an instructor with Wilderness Medical Associates. Learn more about WMA here. 

Fee Includes all materials, meals (x4) and optional lodging.

Must register by 5/5/23 so materials can be ordered.

This course is limited to members of the Boy Scouts of America.

Register early, 14 participants Max. We must have at least 8 people in the course.

Once registered, you will receive an email with additional class and  camping info.


White Page Tear